Sam Havens

Sam Havens is Professor Emeritus at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas. He founded the Drama Department where he teaches playwriting and screenwriting. He has written twenty-four plays with productions in the USA, Canada and Australia. His plays have been selected for showcase productions in New York City, Westport, Connecticut, Amherst, Massachusetts, Dayton, Ohio, and East Hampton, New York. He has received playwriting grants from the Ford Foundation and from the Texas Commission on Arts and Humanities. Mr. Havens taught playwriting and screenwriting for ten years for Rice University's School of Continuing Studies. In addition to writing, painting and teaching, Mr. Havens performs voice-over narration for radio and TV commercials and industrial films. He is also an abstract artist and a consultant in presentation skills. Sam Havens and wife Gretchen live in Houston.

Picture of Sam Havens.